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Freedom for women

Feb 24, 2024

Highlands News-Sun Letter to the Editor

What is the first thing a dictator does when he begins to take over a country? He takes away the freedom of a certain group of people. In this way, he claims to be sav- ing the country from decline.

In the case of our country, Dictator Trump and his MAGA extremists have taken away a woman’s freedom to body autonomy.

This is only the begin- ning. Next on the MAGA hit list is to outlaw con- traception. MAGAs want to force women to have as many babies as possi- ble so that they won’t be able to get an education or be in the workforce. Remember “Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen?”

Trump and his MAGA base have already planned to take away as many rights for women as possible on Day 1 of his presidency. They plan to circumvent Con- gress and the courts and force their anti-woman agenda on every woman in America.

One wonders if taking away a woman’s right to vote is next? Save our de- mocracy. Vote Blue.

Millie Grime

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